When I was drawn to some ‘spiritual’ techniques (our abilities are the human being’s intrinsic attributes, we are multidimensional being beings with a unique DNA – a blend of several alien races – and when we break free of the limits through which we have been downsized, we can savour our own beauty and expansion) it was to better understand and develop those abilities and energies that were already moving and expressing themselves through me.
I had no doubts about the existence of Beings from other dimensions, and of non-ordinary realities, they were there, I experienced them without meditating or making any shamanic journey.
When I attended workshops, it was not to become a priestess or a certified guru and receive permission to express my qualities.
The techniques I learnt were useful to navigate safely but mostly served as a doorway to tap into my soul’s knowledge.
For a long time, I dragged around a very cumbersome mantra, it’s not safe to be me. Not because other realities were harming me, it was the people who, for whatever reason, always consciously or unconsciously invited me to be different from who I am.
Interactions with other Beings started in my childhood. These kinds of events were in no way part of the worldview shared by my family, friends or places where I lived.
Among relatives, no one was open to these possibilities, perhaps to some extent, but fear was always stronger. In this way I unconsciously learned that all this ‘was dangerous’.
When I grew up and spoke about it to friends, I seemed I was going nuts or clinging to fantasies that had nothing to do with reality.
Society and culture have always been cleverly manipulated into labelling all this as lunacy, superstition or ignorance.
Religion has done the rest, by demonising all of this and re-allocating identities having different values to different Beings, roughly speaking ‘when you really cannot deny the evidence of facts any longer, let’s pass them off as something bestowed from above, by way of exception, as if we were not worthy of participating in such beauty’.
Reality, on the other hand, is much more multifaceted and the abilities of human beings are much more than we are conditioned to believe possible.
(Right and left hemispheres of the brain can go hand in hand without being at war).
As for me, zero support from friends, because when it seemed to be there, it was still conditional.
During my adolescence, as long as it was a matter of getting an X-ray for possible romantic encounters, it was fine, in fact we used to call it the Circiografia (Circe’s X-ray), but when it was a matter of being there for me in those moments when I wanted support, there was none. It would have been enough to say I believe in you, in your qualities, in the wonderful person you are. It would have been wonderful, but no, it did not happen, in adulthood certainly much better with foreign people, I am referring to those from across the Channel or in any case English-speaking lands, not here (in Italy).
Their presence was conditional on their limits, which they thought I should adopt in terms of experience, emotional depth or awareness. The absurd part was that they were actually saying that. Therefore, as I worked on me, I have learnt to choose carefully those people to let into my life, especially in my inner circle.
Everything I experienced made it possible for me to re- embrace the true me.
If you are in a similar situation, I can tell you that I understand you. Remember not to abandon you and your ability to feel emotions. In time you will discover that truly
everything makes sense, it sounds like a catch-phrase that to listen to, especially in difficult times, maybe cold and detached compared to the range of emotions and events you are going through, but you will find your thread. Do not give up. I see you. All those abilities to feel are gateways to worlds, inner and outer ones.
I have to mention that these dynamics were particularly evident in women’s circles or in any case “spiritual” circles and friendships.
Obviously, my sharing was in no way meant or intended to irritate people and arouse mischievous voices, I was expressing my truth, and the more those people denied their truth, the more distorted their answers were.
My cumbersome mantra was born at a young age because of situations like that. Sometimes I didn’t even speak but the reactions were there anyway.
The choice that presented itself was, do I conform and lose myself in order to have someone close to me, or do I choose myself?
What makes the difference in every situation is choosing ourselves, from there everything takes off, even a deeper and more unique different interaction with other dimensions.
Some among us are here to be trailblazers, while others will change only to conform to the majority.
Both forces are necessary.
I did not realize at the time that in my unknowingly defying standards was hidden my soul purpose.
Anyway, I let myself be swallowed up by the idea of ‘serving others’.
It happened naturally. You don’t realise that you are entangled in beliefs. My thinking was a natural process, if I am like that and some abilities are already active, it means that I can help others find their connection. Given that I can even tune in to them, their experiences and guides, it goes without saying that that is my highest calling to which to aspire, hence what the soul wants. I used to act by prioritising what was expected from me, considering my abilities, because others were not like me, it was my duty.
Please note that I am not saying that we should not give a damn about others. But there are hooks, limiting beliefs, especially in the spiritual sphere to be considered part of the team ‘the good guys’, which it is important to pay attention to and get rid of.
A radical change was necessary because as my alien guide and mentor explained to me, I turned others into my boss.
We are at service when we express our authentic Being, and we are always living it, even without people, audiences, and followers present. We are serving the Universe and Earth when we embrace the wholeness of our being and honour its specific traits.
When we embody who we truly are, we automatically radiate a unique frequency of freedom, which is our own. People who meet it may or may not be inspired. his is their own choice, and we are not responsible for that, even though we see and feel within them the magnificent Being who asks to live while being held within a fence. We may be sorry, but it is their story, and the timing of their eventual awakening depends on their soul.
How can we be love if we do not love ourselves independently of others?
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